Volatility Review: Metals and gold vol. Euro vol review: Don talks about the recommendations he had made to sell the Euro VolContracts a week ago Thursday, and where they settled thispast Friday - a product rich in volatility. S&P, Nasdaq, and commodity vol review. Plus, Mark Sebastian's volatility review.
Volatility Viewpoint: A quick primer on mean, median, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of distributions. Plus, explaining negative market skewness, leptokurtic behavior of stock prices, etc. As always, we keep it easy to understand and non-intimidating.
Mailbag: Captain Options asks, "Given the explosion of popularity in weekly options, I'm curious if Mark & Don think there is room for short-term realized volatility products. Would a weekly realized vol product even make sense at this point given the short time frame of the product? Can you generate a worthwhile calculation of volatility in such a short time frame?"
Crystal Ball: S&P, Nasdaq, and commodity Vol outlook. Euro VolContracts outlook. What's coming up at VolX and Option Pit?
Volatility Viewpoint: A quick primer on mean, median, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of distributions. Plus, explaining negative market skewness, leptokurtic behavior of stock prices, etc. As always, we keep it easy to understand and non-intimidating.
Mailbag: Captain Options asks, "Given the explosion of popularity in weekly options, I'm curious if Mark & Don think there is room for short-term realized volatility products. Would a weekly realized vol product even make sense at this point given the short time frame of the product? Can you generate a worthwhile calculation of volatility in such a short time frame?"
Crystal Ball: S&P, Nasdaq, and commodity Vol outlook. Euro VolContracts outlook. What's coming up at VolX and Option Pit?
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