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Monday, August 16, 2010

Who'll lead Infosys after Mr. Murthy retires?

Anyways, one aberration that we can talk about in this world of 'powerful' CEOs and Chairmen is Mr. N.R.Narayana Murthy, the chairman of Infosys. Off late, the big question that has risen is - Who will be the next Infosys Chairman after Mr. Murthy retires next year? 

Well, a committee headed by Jeffrey Lehman (US scholar and Infosys' independent director) has been formed to carry out this task. And it is not an easy task. The selected person has to step into the boots of Mr. Murthy. And these are big boots of someone who has been responsible for shaping the face of the Indian IT industry. As per Mr. Lehmann, the main criterion is that the person should have a sound knowledge of both the IT industry as well as of Infosys. Nationality is not a bar. It could be anyone from within or even outside Infosys. However, at the end it would be someone who would be accepted by Mr. Murthy as well as the shareholders and stakeholders of Infosys. 

Who do you think is the right person to replace Mr. Murthy?

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