How To Trade In Equity ?

Here you will get the Basic Methods of Trading in Equites & Bonds, which are supported by well known Equity Trading Guru.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why Interest Rates Affect the Stock Market?

1.Interest Rates influence stocks prices because they affect corporate profitability , alter valuation relationships, and influence margin Transactions.

2.Interest rates have led stocks prices at major turning points in virtually every recorded business cycle.
3.It is the ROC of interest Rates, rather that their actual level, that affects equity prices.
4.Short-Term  interest rates generally have a greater influence on stocks prices that longer-Term rates.
5.Changes in the Discount rate  offer strong  confirmation that a primary-trend change in money-market prices has taken place.
6.Reversals in the Trend of the discount rate offer early-bird warnings of a change in the primary trend of stock prices.
7.Intermarket relationships can be used to forecast or identify primary-trend reversal in bond prices and yields. 

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